I went to Sarah Palin's booksigning here in NW AR today.

The temp outside was 28 degrees! But nothing could have kept me away! She passed right by me on her way inside and I said,"God bless you Sarah!"
She touched my shoulder smiled and warmly said, "Thank you", then I said,"And I LOVE your boots!" she laughed and moved along.
Inside I got to meet her again when she signed my books. She looks you right in the eye, and she's REAL. 

Oh! And Sarah was wearing a great pair of sexy purple suede high-heeled boots!

I have met other politicians face-to-face and when I looked in their eyes I was truly surprised - there was nothing there.
Vapid. Vacant.
But not Sarah.
But not Sarah.
Her eyes were full of life, energy and she looks right into yours with such humanity and sincerity. She is so... real.
I also met her mother and father. Wonderful people! I hugged them both and was so touched. They are very sweet - and so proud.
Excellent crowd too!

pic above courtesy of my new friend Kala (on my right)

Guess what I want for Christmas!

Love the pictures and the commentary!!!!! Sounds like a great afternoon.
It was great. She is amazing. And the whole crowd was terrific.
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