Friday, August 21, 2009

Mafia & Hell's Angels do the job the gvt won't do.

Europe's Own Indigenous Militia Movements
The Jackal Manifesto
What happens when a government doesn't defend its people?
After decades of official Danish government immigration policy, indigenous Danes are losing confidence in their government. Into the breach have stepped networks of people who still possess some of the values of their Viking ancestors.
The Hells Angels are involved in allegedly targeting immigrant gangs in Denmark. The police have worked on the assumption that the "war" is about criminal enterprise and competition, however the Angels have just released the "Jackal Manifesto," which politicizes the issue.
A similar kind of thing is happening in Italy, where the Camorra (Neapolitan mafia) carried out operations against gypsy gangs and other immigrant criminals, leading directly to the foundation of civilian patrols which have been federalized as auxiliaries of the police. The danger of Western governments creating a power vacuum by refusing to defend the interests of their tax-paying citizens is that "unofficial" groups will step in to provide "essential services" when the need becomes great enough.
Holger Danske (Ogier the Dane), the warrior of Medieval lore who fought against the Saracens alongside Charlemagne. According to legend, he will rise again the lead the Danes at the hour of their greatest danger...


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