Thursday, August 20, 2009

How racial politics is destroying America.

The Attorney General Eric Holder has said we are a nation of Cowards for failing to discuss race. I accept his challenge.
Extremism in the name of Civil Rights has been destroying America for the last 40 years.
Following are some concepts used by the civil rights movement to advance the position of minorities at the expense of our society.
Racial profiling, Racial preferences, Political correctness.
Here is a list of problems that have ensued as our elites of all colors and all political persuasions have implemented their idealistic civil rights concepts for America. These concepts have gone way beyond the basic concepts of individual civil rights.
Our schools system
The forced integration of our public school system, once the finest in the world, is now a system that has been dumbed down and no longer considered the best in the world.
The US Civil Rights movement was extended to the world and has resulted in broken borders and the non-enforcement of our immigration laws. In effect we have immigration anarchy. All illegal aliens are now under the protection of the Civil Rights movement.
The Civil Rights movement has now been extended the Gay & lesbian movement as they wage their attacks on those Americans who believe in the traditional age old concepts of marriage.
Once again the perverted concepts of the out of control Civil Rights movement reared it's very ugly head, when airport security was not allowed to profile the hijackers on the fateful morning of September 11th. In days gone by, profiling was considered good police work. The civil Rights movement allowed the personnel rights of foreign terrorists to prevail over the interest of all those law abiding citizens who perished on the 4 airplanes and the thousands who died a cruel death in the Twin Towers and at the pentagon, the supreme headquarters of our US military establishment. Good police work, at the risk of offending a few young Muslim jihad terrorist, would have saved the lives of thousands of our fellow citizens at the expense of inconveniencing a few. WE should not forget the politically correct lawyer in the FBI who did not allow Field FBI agents to examine Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker's hard drive for fear of offending him and violating his "alleged civil rights"
Sub Prime Mortgages
Another perversion of the civil rights movement which attempted to make housing more affordable to folks who couldn't afford to buy a house. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac forced banks to extend loans to those who could not afford them. As a result, the packaging of these sub-prime mortgages contributed to the economic crash that we are now in.
National Health Care
The perverted ideologies of the Civil Rights movement in the proposed healthcare bill as explain in the previous article. if implemented, will represent the integration of our national healthcare system.


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