Monday, August 17, 2009

"Behavior is the truth. Nothing else counts." - Andrew Vachss)

President Obama a “foreign and domestic enemy” of America and its citizens?
The Domestic Attack
Mark Epstein
The accusation that the Obama administration is “tone deaf” to American angst over health care reform is gaining more credence with each passing day.
As President Obama continues talking instead of listening, as well as alienating the very industry whose support of reform is a necessity (and certain reforms are necessary, including tort reform), the president is spending too much time on the attack and, in so doing, provides his detractors with even more fodder. What is exacerbating the reported American anger toward the administration is that the president and his administration are making allegations without a shred of substantive evidence. In other words, people are put off by the obvious Chicago-style thuggery in the White House spin on the health care debate. The Obama administration is missing a golden opportunity to “hear” the America it claims to represent, instead of furthering the widely-held belief that Obama only represents radical leftists and their agenda for the country.
Simultaneously, we see President Obama behaving in the same manner as Iran’s president when it comes to the issue of the Fourth Estate’s First Amendment rights. Moreover, contravening Obama’s assertions to the contrary concerning the “Fairness Doctrine,” his appointment of Mark Lloyd as the Federal Communication Commission’s “Chief Diversity Officer” is a clear message to conservatives to beware, since Lloyd “laid out a ‘battle plan’ for liberal activists to target conservative talk radio stations in 2007.” When viewed in light of Obama’s comments, Pelosi’s accusations, the White House press secretary’s disinformation campaign attacking Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, the mainstream media’s reaction, other individuals holding the administration’s and congress’ feet to the fire on the issue of Obamacare, the use of swastikas by liberals, and the police interviewing a political dissenter there is certainly more evidence giving credence to conservative fears than there is any basis for accusing insurance companies and other health care industry players of conspiring to block health care reform...


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