Tuesday, March 31, 2009

News to BHO: The REAL WORLD doesn't bow to "Affirmative Action" - NOW WHAT?

We can lose some very big games with this rookie.
March 31, 2009 12:00
By Thomas Sowell
Someone once said that, for every rookie you have on your starting team in the National Football League, you will lose a game. Somewhere, at some time during the season, a rookie will make a mistake that will cost you a game.
We now have a rookie president of the United States, and, in the dangerous world we live in, with terrorist nations going nuclear, just one rookie mistake can bring disaster down on this generation and generations yet to come.
Barack Obama is a rookie in a sense that few other presidents in American history have ever been. It is not just that he has never been president before. He has never had any position in any kind of organization where he was personally responsible for the outcome...


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