Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Only in Obama's America: 'Teaching how to get paid causing trouble'
If you thought you had heard everything onerous that could come out of the Obama administration, wait until you read this: Obama For America to teach 'getting paid to cause trouble'.
Obama's '$6 Billion National Service Boondoggle'
Yesterday we posted on "Obama 'Brownshirts' Bill Now Working Its Way Through The Senate." Today, Michelle Malkin goes into the details of the bill, a sample of which is her discussion on the "Social Innovation Fund and Volunteer Generation Fund":
[...] -- $50 million in 2010; $60 million in 2011; $70 million in 2012; $80 million in 2013; and $100 million in 2014.
Social Innovation Fund? If that sounds familiar, it should. I reported last fall on the Democratic Party platform's push to fund a "Social Investment Fund Network" that would reward "social entrepreneurs and leading nonprofit organizations" and "support results-oriented innovators." It is essentially a special taxpayer-funded pipeline for radical liberal groups backed by billionaire George Soros that masquerade as public-interest do-gooders.
Especially troublesome to parents' groups concerned about compulsory volunteerism requirements is a provision in the House version directing Congress to explore "whether a workable, fair and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic and educational backgrounds."
Those who have watched AmeriCorps from its inception are all too familiar with how government volunteerism programs have been used for propaganda and political purposes. AmeriCorps "volunteers" have been put to work lobbying against the voter-approved three-strikes anti-crime initiative in California and protesting Republican political events while working for the already heavily tax-subsidized liberal advocacy group ACORN. Take the time to read all of what Michelle has to say about what she refers to as "charity at the point of a gun." It is clearly a dangerous an onerous bill...


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