Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain...

Politico: Obama seeks 'filter-free' news
The Politico title is misleading; it should read, "Obama seeks critique-free press," since the Obama administration has embarked on a strategy to go above the traditional White House press corps by reaching out to liberal commentators, local reporters and ethnic media that team Obama deems friendly to their causes. In other words, Team Obama doesn't want to be subjected to the scrutiny of the WH press corps as all previous presidents have done:


Obama administration seeking expanded power to seize firms (A Marxist administration shows its true colors)...
Obama 'Brownshirts' Bill Now Working Its Way Through The Senate:
This dangerous bill is unquestionably nothing less than a way to further fund and indoctrinate more foot soldiers for the Democrat Party, following the Marxist model of Saul Alinsky.
(Obamessiah is pushing to community organize all of us into his own league of Socialist Brownshirts.)
Obama has published an editorial in 31 nations around the globe.
It's also in the Chicago Tribune. Read the whole thing as he makes many points. But the words below are just not ones I want to see under the byline of an American president - particularly when speaking to the entire world.
Capitalism can be unforgiving, particularly for the imprudent, or unwise. It isn't actually capitalism without that. And private sector compensation is not the province of government in a free-market world. Also, there will inevitably be booms and busts in a free market, as it is speculative by nature. Ultimately, I'm left wondering just how free Obama intends to leave American markets if he gets his way...


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