Tuesday, March 18, 2008

OUR NEW NIXON - by Victor Davis Hanson

I see the Wright fury and the tepid response to it by Obama, and the even worse distortions and special pleading by the elite media as symptomatic of a larger problem.
We have millions in this postindustrial, postmodern society who have no sense of identity, what they are for, what they are against. They have no code, but instead simply adapt to the perceived consensus.
Thus when an Elmer Gantry-like figure such as Obama comes on to their television screens, they have no barometer of values to spot such a transparency.
Referring to Wright as a “respectable biblical scholar” et al, is laughable—given that almost everything Wright seems to assert, whether about the Roman Empire or the origins of AIDs, is buffoonery...
Had a Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice run for President, the black vote would have split 50/50, there would have been no such extremists in the closet to worry about, and race would have been irrelevant.
But Obama, who talked about making race as unimportant from the very beginning, through his ties with this racist church, with his pandering to Wright, with his wife’s outbursts, and by his own words in his memoirs, has made racial identity the center of his political existence. The final irony? A Powell or Rice no doubt experienced racial prejudice far more than did the younger, bi-racial Obama who did not grow up as an African-American on the mainland...


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