Monday, March 17, 2008

'President Obama's' 'Neoliberal Theocracy'

We're talking about really scary stuff here:
(Via American Thinker) ...
The social gospel of an Obama presidency could be traced back to the race-based class dialectic of the black liberation theology movement. That movement emerged as the theological wing of the broader Black Power movement of the late 1960's - early 1970's. Among a constellation of groups and personalities representing Black Power were: the 1968 Olympic Black Power salute; the Black Panthers; Malcolm X; Bobby Seale; the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee ("snick"), etc.
... Black liberation theology forms the core identity of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ (UCC) - Obama's home church for two decades. Today, that congregation espouses a Black Value System. It reflects the movement's class dialectic that remains unabashedly race-based.
The black values concept was first introduced by one of the founders of the black liberation theology movement, Dr. James H. Cone, in Black Theology & Black Power (© 1969, Harper & Row, 1969, p.127).
It only gets worse. There's that speech he gave in which he said, "I believed and still believe in the power of the African-American religious tradition to spur social change." And let's not forget, as pointed out in the above-linked piece, the last president to flirt with conducting foreign policy from a theological perspective was Jimmy Carter.
Like I said, we're talkin' really scary stuff here, which leads us to question how it is that the Democratic Party and the media allowed this guy to go so far without scrutiny and knowing what he's really all about? Did it ever dawn on them the least bit that Knowing Obama by the Company He Keeps just might be a good idea?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goodness, what a blind racist you are - incredible.
Your reasoning is in the form of a mental disease, that sadly some will even think seriously about.
Quite factually, it all comes down to un-addressed hatred you have in yourself that you'll most likely be projecting out into the world until you begin to be a little more honest and accountable to your inner workings. Thats tough stuff though - and unlikely for one who is it seems happily blowing there own horn of negativity, to simply get attention from others.
Good luck though..
Over and out.

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goodness YOU'VE HIT THE NAIL SQUARE ON THE HEAD. Obama supports this chuch as evedent by his 27,000.00 dollar donation and they are based on black liberation theology and they are racists. These are facts you have stated not conjecture.
This person talking about the hatred coming from you is obviously stuck in their own world where everything is perfect, what an ignorant individual.
People need to break the spell of this Pied Piper and see what they are actually getting, do the research! Obama has not lived his life as he has portayed himself.
Your brian is not in your heart like the bible says, it is in your head...USE IT!

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

brain, sorry

2:57 PM  

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