Saturday, February 02, 2008

UK teachers told: "Don't say mum and dad"

The British government is telling teachers to avoid using the words "mum and dad" as part of an effort to cut down on "homophobia" and increase acceptance of "gay families."
Suffer the Children
News Source: UK correspondent
The government claims that, by referring to mothers and fathers, the traditional family ideal will find reinforcement, which will undermine attempts to redefine the family while also, allegedly, fuelling "anti-gay bullying."
The guidelines were unveiled by the Gordon Brown government's Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, whose name is (seriously) Ed Balls.
Schools Secretary Balls says that any children who use "homophobic" words against other kids should be dealt with as severely as those miscreants who use "racist" language, which is very severely indeed. Secretary Balls has pledged an absolute "zero tolerance" policy for such little delinquents.
Minister Balls is relying on a report "commissioned" by the government and submitted by the radical "gay rights" group "Stonewall UK," named after a famous 1969 New York drag queen riot.
The gays informed Balls that teachers should never tell boys to "be a man" or accuse them of behaving like a "bunch of women." This might hurt their feelings and "leads to bullying of those who do not conform to fixed ideas about gender." On top of this helpful advice, the report also sees a glaring lack of homosexual role models in the schools. Gay staff should first "consult with their head teacher" and then regale their pupils with their personal lifestyle choices. That goes across the board. "When schools discuss marriage, they may also discuss civil partnership and adoption rights for gay people."
Apparently, despite unbelievable investment, "gay" is still not cool with the kids. According to Stonewall, "those trainers are so gay," "that pencil case is so gay," "you're such a gay boy" are verbal crosses borne daily in British schools. The carefree notetakers in the employ of Ed Balls run out of patience eventually, demanding punishment for the politically incorrect. "It might be time-consuming at first, but a consistent 'zero-tolerance' approach to such language is central to achieving progress ... Schools need to make it clear to pupils that homophobic comments are as serious as racist comments, and homophobic incidents are as serious as other forms of bullying."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

California also passed SB 777, which bans anything in public schools that could be interpreted as negative toward homosexuality, bisexuality and other alternative lifestyle choices. There are no similar protections for students with traditional or conservative lifestyles and beliefs, however.

9:07 PM  

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