I smell a FARTWA
I found this at jihadchat.com
Good post by "a12iggymom"

"Islam is not even a religion," Mitchell told WND from a location somewhere in Eastern North Carolina. "It's an ideology of 'might makes right' disguised as a religion. We're going to show that Allah was with us when we baked this cookie and ate it. Deal with it!"
- Cutting edge TV Host, Molotov Mitchell
Christian 'infidels' to eat 'Muhammad'
Political TV hosts fed up with PC Islam will devour cookie with face of prophet
Posted: January 24, 20081:00 a.m. Eastern
By Joe Kovacs© 2008 WorldNetDaily.com
This cookie with a depiction of the Muslim prophet Muhammad will be eaten on 'Flamethrower,' a new political program on Faith TV
A new, cutting-edge, political TV show will challenge Islam with biting humor tomorrow night, placing the face of the prophet Muhammad onto a cookie and then having it eaten on camera.
"We're going to take a stand and say Muhammad's face is delicious," said Molotov Mitchell, the 28-year-old incendiary creator and host of "Flamethrower," a program described as a low-budget, gritty cross between the "The Daily Show," "The Colbert Report," and "The View" if Ann Coulter were the producer. "This is religious and culinary history in the making."
The theme of this week's episode is "All Things Islam," as panelists take on the faith of Muslims in a no-holds-barred fashion.
By Joe Kovacs© 2008 WorldNetDaily.com
This cookie with a depiction of the Muslim prophet Muhammad will be eaten on 'Flamethrower,' a new political program on Faith TV
A new, cutting-edge, political TV show will challenge Islam with biting humor tomorrow night, placing the face of the prophet Muhammad onto a cookie and then having it eaten on camera.
"We're going to take a stand and say Muhammad's face is delicious," said Molotov Mitchell, the 28-year-old incendiary creator and host of "Flamethrower," a program described as a low-budget, gritty cross between the "The Daily Show," "The Colbert Report," and "The View" if Ann Coulter were the producer. "This is religious and culinary history in the making."
The theme of this week's episode is "All Things Islam," as panelists take on the faith of Muslims in a no-holds-barred fashion.
"What were doing is exercising our freedom of speech and freedom of the press to the fullest in order to challenge a tyrannical, oppressive system that has doomed the cultures and countries of the Middle East for centuries," Mitchell told WND. "Now it's trying to invade our borders, and somebody has to speak up about it."
In its two previous episodes, "Flamethrower" has taken on subjects including "Is it ethical to kill abortionists?" and "Let's invade Mexico" – not to stay, but just to get rid of the drug cartels.
READ IT ALL:In its two previous episodes, "Flamethrower" has taken on subjects including "Is it ethical to kill abortionists?" and "Let's invade Mexico" – not to stay, but just to get rid of the drug cartels.
I would love to see this cookie become part of a symbolic tradition, along the lines of Hamantaschen during Purim.
There is discussion of a "Patriotic Party" forming in the EU to address, as one of their platforms, the threat of islamic immigration. See here:
They plan to make their announcement on November 15th. It would be more interesting to place the announcement on September 12th instead, as that date marks the anniversary of The Siege at the Gates of Vienna, where the muhammedan hoards were utterly humiliated, decimated and repulsed for centuries from the European theatre.
Juxtapose the teaching moment marking the anniversary of 9/12/1683 against the day of grieving and rememberance of a new phase of a very old war . . .beginning on 9/11/2001.
BTW, the croissant was a pastry developed in Vienna marking the Siege in 1583. . .in a crescent shaped pastry. Perhaps the day could be marked with the new Mo Sweet biscuit/cookie as an added dimension for children.
Essentially, we need to mark a holiday that will significantly mark victory against islamic jihad.
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