The Whites We Should Attack: says The Mighty Morfin

“Because the enemy is not at home, but outside, he is of white complexion, he thinks differently than us, they are the Minuteman, and those are the ones that we should attack”, he said.
Cuauhtémoc Morfin, Racist Mexican Leader Calls For Attacks On White Americans
El FinancieroChicago, 23 of January
Leaders of the Mexican community in Chicago reported today that they will ask president Felipe Calderon for his support in diverse common actions that will undertake to show the importance of their social and political presence in the United States.
In a first meeting to define the approach that the President will do during his next visit to Chicago, the leaders agreed to give priority to the theme of the defense of the immigrant community before the defamatory climate and the pursuit that lives itself in diverse groups. Counselors of the Institute of the Mexicans Abroad (IME) and common representatives considered the convenience to take the initiative and to propose forms of defense against that anti-immigrante climate, said journalists and sources of the meeting. The counselor of IME,Cuauhtémoc Morfin, said that they will ask president Calderon the necessary support to prompt actions in a common front. In the meeting, he added, he agreed to define the proposal in the next weeks, including the promotion of a greater participation of the community in the social life and American politics to show their force.
“For example, in this year’s electoral process, where we should push people to vote, that is going to fortify us, make us more notorious, and show that our presence is not temporary”, expressed Fabián Morales, counselor of the IME.
“Because the enemy is not at home, but outside, he is of white complexion, he thinks differently than us, they are the Minuteman, and those are the ones that we should attack”, he said.
In the meantime, the counselor Salavador Pedroza commented that among the petitions that will be given to the President is to create the suitable conditions for a worthy reception to all the deported. For that, he added, he would be able to create a center of welcome for the repatriated people, that facilitates and incorporates them to productive projects once they return. Pedroza notified that the priority in the encounter will be to present viable proposals that head the community, but also to request the necessary support so that this benefit happens on both sides of the border.
President Calderon anticipates to visit Chicago on the 14 of February on a work tour inside the United States that also contemplates the cities of Los Angeles, New York and Boston.
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