Mexican Gvt. Spends Millions to Influence Our Elections
Dobbs to Mexico: Go to Hell!
Ad Campaign Riles "The Man"
"It's time for people to wake up and tell these people to go straight to hell."
Lou Dobbs Tonight -- CNN -- January 17
Lou Dobbs Tonight -- CNN -- January 17
Wian: Yeah, and it's really clear that the Mexican government is now working with corporate America to push this amnesty agenda. It couldn't be more clearer than spending up to $100 million on television ad campaigns right before the U.S. presidential election -- Lou.
Dobbs: Well you know and let's be really clear. Even though I'm outraged, I'm not shocked here. I'm not surprised. We report all of the time on this confluence of interest between the establishment corporate elites, the liberal socio-ethnocentric groups and the multibillion dollar lobbying campaign on the part of corporate America in Washington, D.C.
The only people who don't have a voice here are the American people, the American middle class, working men and women and their families. And you have people sitting there saying we should just do whatever the Mexican government says or what corporate America says.

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