Saturday, September 29, 2007

Welcome to the "New America"

San Diego County is getting soaked plenty by the costs of illegal immigration, according to a recent report.
Direct expenditures by the county of San Diego in the 2006-07 fiscal year on behalf of illegal immigrants totaled $101.5 million, according to a report presented Tuesday to the Board of Supervisors.
Nearly half of that sum - $48.5 million - was spent by the Sheriff's Department to house inmates in area jails, according to the report by John Weeks, a San Diego State University professor and director of the school's International Population Center.
For those jail costs, the county was reimbursed $2.3 million by the federal government, according to the report. The North County Times toted up more of the costs, including medical care, and came up with figure of a quarter billion dollars annually:
As Brian Bilbray remarked on Lou Dobbs, "You can buy a lot of lettuce" with that kind of money.
The county figures obviously do not include the costs of educating the children of illegal alien foreigners, which goes on the state tab.
State Lawmakers Produce List Of Crimes By Illegal Immigrants [9/27/07]
You can learn a lot by making a list. Several Pennsylvania state legislators made one of crimes committed by illegal aliens there.
In a blazing indictment of America's failed immigration policy, a report issued by Pennsylvania State Reps. Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler), Tom Creighton (R-Lancaster), Mark Mustio (R-Allegheny) and Scott Perry (R-York/Cumberland) chronicles 120 individual incidents of crime against Pennsylvania citizens at the hands of illegal immigrants. [...] "The more than 3,100 illegal aliens documented in this report include first-degree, black-hearted murderers, addictive drug dealers, cop-killing gang members, child molesting sexual predators and terrorists in waiting who deserve swift and immediate prosecution, punishment up to and including the death penalty and at the very least deportation, rather than the dignity and respect of being called immigrants," Mr. Metcalfe exclaimed.
Download the full report in PDF at Rep Mustio's website.
On the left coast, see the Los Angeles' top 10 Most Wanted criminals: LAPD.
Demography is relentless and unforgiving, as everyone from Mexifornia to Eurabia should know by now.
In less than a century, America will no longer be a majority-white nation, David Coleman, professor of Demography at Oxford University, explained Tuesday at a Hudson Institute forum. A decline in U.S. fertility rates, in combination with increased immigration, will change the ethnic makeup of America, Mr. Coleman said.
This transition is affecting many other countries, Mr. Coleman said. Throughout Western Europe, populations are being inundated by new immigrant populations, he said. The native-born British, Scottish and Irish populations are also becoming minorities in the United Kingdom, he said.
In the early 1990s, the United States was the first country to identify an ethnic transformation; however, this transformation has not received much attention. Statistical data presented at the Hudson forum suggested that most non-Hispanic whites will become racially intermixed with other ethnicities by 2100.
You can listen to the talk at the Hudson Institute.
Any responsible government would have cut out the immigration of possible terrorists immediately after 9/11. Yet the idiotic diversity visa program has cruised along on automatic pilot, despite efforts to end it and has brought in thousands of persons who should be considered undesirable from a national security viewpoint.
Nearly 10,000 people from countries designated as sponsors of terrorism have entered the United States under an immigration diversity program with relatively few restrictions, a report released on Friday said.
The report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office said the State Department's inspector general warned in 2003 that the Diversity Visa Program posed a significant risk to national security and recommended it be closed to people from countries on the U.S. list of state terrorism sponsors.
But four years later, the program remains open to people from those nations and little is known about what becomes of them once they enter the United States, the GAO said.
From 2000 to 2006, the program allowed 3,703 people from Sudan, 3,164 from Iran, 2,763 from Cuba and 162 from Syria to enter the United States and apply for permanent legal resident status, the report said. That totals 9,792 new immigrants. I made similar points about national security in a 2006 blog item Diversity Is Alive and Well at the State Department and in a 2004 article, Time to Dump the Diversity Visa.
See also the original GAO report (PDF)
We are a nation at war with islamofascists. Yet the President refuses to name the enemy and now regularly celebrates Ramadan in the White House. Franklin Roosevelt did not "reach out" to foreigners from Axis countries residing in this country; he ordered the internment of over 31,000 suspected enemy aliens from Germany, Italy and Japan. Bush's opposition to any sort of immigration enforcement (including diversity visas) is part of his disinterest in pursuing genuine national security.


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