Washington DC Patriotic Counter-protest 9.15.07
We arrived in Our Nation's Capital...
Both young...And old...
I couldn't help myself - I had to walk The Mall first thing and visit the Lincoln Memorial...

I am back...
This man pictured here below, was so moving and passionate that it brought me to tears. I remember his point that we American Patriots will not allow another "Vietnam" in Iraq.
No lefty or Dhimmicrat has the courage to say or believe that...
These pix are dedicated to my brother, Mike, who would LOVE this shirt...

Yeah, they do... Yeah, they will...

"Linda Goodman's 'Love Signs'" never made this much sense...

Still more to come... please check back!...
Back again...
At one point I spotted three infiltrators - one yelling "Heil Bushitler", and so I began to make a lot of noise, drawing the attention of my co-patriots.
While I elected to obnoxiously blow my whistle into the ear of two of them, driving them away (and consequently interrupting the on-going speech - for which I do apologize) this fine young American, pictured below, stepped in and simply blocked them, turning his back on them, just as they have done to this country and, in turn, to humanity. A better man than all of us...

These fine gentlemen here congratulated me on my efforts to purge our gathering of the offensive infiltrators. One of them, I suspect, was hitting on me, but then divuldged that he would shortly be relocating to Utah. Perhaps he has a few wives stashed there? I'll never know...
Republican Duncan Hunter made an appearance. He's my favorite. Security and America first, no apologies, is what I get from this candidate...
My friends, Tom, Dave and Pamela (with some help from volunteers) successfully infiltrated the enemy, positioning themselves strategically at the front of the lefty demostrators, and unfurled their banner before they could be stopped...
Their banner warned of the coming "Leftist Demonstrators Trying To Demoralize Our Troops". Brilliant plan and execution, all Tom's idea!
The side of the banner that faced the crowd of lefties that followed them read: "Complete The Mission First And Then They'll Come Home". I am beginning to suspect that my mild-mannered friend Tom is a diabolical genious.
These lovely, virginal infidels pictured below will fetch a cool $20,000.00 or more on the Saudi slave market... although they choose to remain in denial of the Islamic threat to them. I guess they're above that...
Noteworthy t-shirts - perhaps the few items for sale in this country not made in China... perhaps...
This fellow New Yorker, Eric the Infidel, saved my entire day by finding me and returning my souvenier t-shirts after I had left them on his backpack. Eric, and you know who you are... I owe you a beer!
The Infidel Face-Painter... there's one inside all of us.
Glad to be of service.
- Eric the Infidel
Great photos, Jill. It's great to see these getting out!
Greetings from DC,
It was a great day. We so out-classed the moonbats. Enjoyed meeting you, your blog is now one of my daily reads. Will take your advice and buy Obsession and share with family and friends.
Thank for making great effort getting to Washington and for the pictures. The sign Alerting the GOE to the coming moonbats was tremendous. Tell your friends thanks. It was hilarious. Get the word out and lets build the GOE. GOE just started in Feb 07. IT was great too how many of the groups partnered to bring this about.
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