Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A Voice Of Clarity

"If we get out of Iraq without achieving strategic goals, it would not be just a defeat in Iraq. It will be a regional defeat. [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad will link up with [Muqtada] al-Sadr in Iraq, he will link up [President Bashar] Assad in Syria, he will link up with Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon, and you're going to have four countries under one jihadist leadership. Imagine all the resources involved there...
The Sunni-Salafist-Wahabi element in the Sunni triangle will link with their counterparts in Saudi Arabia, and put pressure on the government, which may fall. So what you're talking about is one-quarter to 30% of oil reserves on both sides of the Persian Gulf under jihadi regimes.
What we had with the Taliban -- a very poor regime with no oil –- and just look at what they produced: a 9/11. So, think about what these regimes could do when combined. They'd produce a catastrophe of huge dimensions."
- Dr. Walid Phares


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