Our Nation is at War

Clearly the Visa Waiver Program represents a major security breach yet Congress is now hard at "work" seeking to expand a program that may cost many Americans their lives in the months and years ahead!
Radical Islamists Want Us Dead
July 24, 2007
Radical Islamists Want Us Dead
July 24, 2007
Let me start out by stating the obvious: our nation is at war with radical Islamists who want us dead! Period!
Can I make this any clearer? Can the terrorists make it any clearer? The terrorists we are fighting are determined to kill as many innocent civilians as possible. They do not want to compromise with us. The terrorists want nothing less than the annihilation of the United States and our citizens. They are determined to not only attack the United States but all nations that they have on their "hit list." We have seen deadly attacks being carried out in Europe, especially Great Britain. More importantly, our own nation fell victim to the malevolence of these terrorists nearly 6 years ago, on September 11, 2001, yet it would seem that many of our leaders have virtually forgotten the horrors inflicted on our nation and on thousands of innocent victims that day...
Can I make this any clearer? Can the terrorists make it any clearer? The terrorists we are fighting are determined to kill as many innocent civilians as possible. They do not want to compromise with us. The terrorists want nothing less than the annihilation of the United States and our citizens. They are determined to not only attack the United States but all nations that they have on their "hit list." We have seen deadly attacks being carried out in Europe, especially Great Britain. More importantly, our own nation fell victim to the malevolence of these terrorists nearly 6 years ago, on September 11, 2001, yet it would seem that many of our leaders have virtually forgotten the horrors inflicted on our nation and on thousands of innocent victims that day...
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