Thursday, June 21, 2007

The War Against The Free World

"For those with eyes to see, (similar) processes are underway among the Muslim communities in Western states, including Britain, as Islamists build up a vast infrastructure of organisations and institutions while presenting themselves as liberal and democratic. There can be no doubt that their final goal, according to their published dogmas, remains an Islamic state under shari‘a. The tactics will differ and change, but the goal remains the same and the method of attaining it in well defined stages will continue to be used. Most Islamists in the West reckon they have moved past the first stage into the second, that of building up and strengthening their infrastructure while using deception to enter the democratic process so as to gain new positions of power. Once they judge they are strong enough, they will move into the third stage of power when violence will be used, if necessary, to gain total control of state and society."
The war against the free world
June 21, 2007
by melanie phillips
The latest bulletin from the
Barnabas Fund, the organisation that represents the cause of persecuted Christians around the world and which is an authoritative source of information on Islamism, delivers an important and timely riposte to those who are pushing the line that the west should engage with Hamas and the Islamists of the Muslim Brotherhood.
People should read this carefully, and then think about what is currently happening in our society and around the world. It is imperative that we in the west do not listen to those who, in pursuit of various agendas, seek to bamboozle us with ignorant and ahistorical dissembling about ‘moderate’ Islamists. Thanks to our gross ignorance, the jihad has already made enormous inroads in western societies. If we are to survive as a civilisation, we have to resist this siren song of surrender.


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