Friday, June 15, 2007

Amnesy Candidate Caught With AK-47's - and other postcards from the edge

KSL-TV -- Salt Lake City Video Report Included
Utah County authorities have arrested a student from Ethiopia for buying guns illegally, and what he said he would do with those guns gives police great concern. -- Roommates describe the young man as "unstable" and obsessed with guns and violence. Both Orem and Provo police, at different times, have investigated the student.
Sacramento Bee
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger told hundreds of Latino journalists Wednesday that immigrants who want to learn English more quickly should shun various forms of Spanish- language media. -- "You've got to turn off the Spanish television set," Schwarzenegger said at the 25th annual National Association of Hispanic Journalists convention...
Tom Joyner -- Charlotte Observer
Simply put, George W. Bush is wrong when it comes to pushing the current immigration reform bill and The News & Observer is wrong when it comes to suggesting that illegal aliens should be accommodated because they are a vital part of the work force in several states...
Marietta (Georgia) Daily Journal
"This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1-1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We well never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this."-Ted Kennedy on the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which actually granted amnesty to nearly 3 million illegal aliens...
White House spokesman Tony Snow ran into a little more than he perhaps was expecting when he appeared on The Laura Ingraham show, as she relentlessly asked the American public's No. 1 question: What is the U.S. government doing to stop the invasion from Mexico? -- "Sixty-nine percent of Americans, 85 percent of the GOP..."
The White House
...See, people are sneaking in because they want to work. It makes sense to me to say, instead of sneaking in, here's a temporary worker card that's tamper-proof, that you can go fill jobs that Americans aren't doing. Therefore, you don't sneak across. Such a system will take pressure off the border and let our Border Patrol agents focus on drug runners...
Coming UpJune 16
The Hill -- Washington
Senate leaders on Thursday night announced a deal that breathes life into the bipartisan immigration bill (aka the Bush- Kennedy amnesty scheme) that appeared to be stalled just days ago. -- The deal, which would bring the legislation back to the floor as early as next week, came as a bipartisan group of negotiators worked through Thursday...
Newsday -- New York
In the midst of a national debate on immigration, two television commercials began airing on Long Island yesterday highlighting the economic and cultural benefits of immigrant communities. -- One of the ads, entitled "Salida del Sol," shows scenes of immigrants working in a restaurant, an office and a construction site...
Washington Times
Now that the president has tried to revive the comatose Senate amnesty bill, at least as big a question as whether he can bring it back to life is why on earth he would want to. Sure, he wants a win, because he hasn't had one lately. Sure, he wants a (gulp) legacy, because it's that clock-ticking time in his second term...
American PatrolKeep the pressure on Washington - No Amnesty!Bush has vowed to keep twisting arms in order to get his nation- wrecking amnesty scheme through the Senate. It's not over yet... this man is obsessed with turning America into a Third World ditch, and he has revived this wretched bill. Keep calling and faxing your representatives until S. 1348 is officially declared dead.
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The White House
Bush spewed: "...And we must resolve the status of illegal immigrants already in our country without amnesty and without animosity, because that is the only practical way to fix the problem that has been decades in the making. We must help new immigrants assimilate. That's what has always made our nation strong..."
Washington Times
Herndon police are scheduled to complete federal training in immigration- enforcement procedures today, joining 20 other departments nationwide in efforts to crack down on the nation's estimated 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens. -- The western Fairfax County town is the first locality in the region...


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