Friday, June 15, 2007

Fitzgerald: Phantom warriors and dead souls - courtesy of American Taxpayers

"Meanwhile, corrupt Iraqi officials are pocketing the pay of thousands of 'ghost' policemen and soldiers who exist only on paper, a senior US officer claimed yesterday." -- from this news article
These phantom Iraqi warriors on the American payroll put one in mind of Gogol's "Dead Souls." The names of serfs, if still on the official rolls, even though those serfs might be dead, were worth something to Our Mr. Chichikov. Here I cannot remember what the benefit from the government was, but Gogol's premise required that there be one. And so he travelled around, picaresquely and picturesquely picking up, for a song or a swan song, those "dead souls" ("dushi”) who, though worthless, in Chichikov's calculated scheming turn out to be worth something.
In the case of Tarbaby Iraq, those non-existent army or police for which you and I, dear reader, are paying help give that large and growing population of corrupt Arabs more and more and more...
What Really Happened in the Middle East: 10 Minutes to Clarity and Justice
A press release from the DHFC:
The David Horowitz Freedom Center is releasing a 10-minute flash video, What Really Happened In The Middle East, that restores reality to the Israeli-Arab conflict, as a fifty-year war by Arab Muslims to reverse what they refer to as the “Nahkba” – the catastrophe of Israel’s birth as a nation.
"'What Really Happened In The Middle East' restores the historical record and shows why the war against Israel is a central front in the Islamic jihad against the West,” says David Horowitz, founder and president of the Freedom Center. “It is our goal to deliver this message to millions of Americans over the Internet so that they can be better equipped to defend themselves in the war that radical Islam is waging against them."
You can view the video here:
What Really Happened In The Middle East is the third video in a series that has been produced and developed by the Freedom Center. The Islamic Mein Kampf and What Every American Needs to Know About Jihad were issued earlier this year and have been distributed to more than two and a half million individuals. All three are available for downloading at
The Terrorism Awareness Project was launched in Jan of 2007 and has over 140 campus coordinators. For more information please go to


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