Fuck you Government. It's on now. You don't need my tax dollars. I am not paying you to destroy my country.

BUT we can send billions to other countries (who hate us anyway) to do with as they see fit, we can fight their wars for them, we can supply their weaponry, we can give them technology and education, we can send them medicine and doctors, we can allow Mexico to ream us in every way possible, and we can dole out Social Security rewards to criminals...
What's wrong with this picture?
Social Security for illegal aliens
By Stephen DinanTHE WASHINGTON TIMESJanuary 4, 2007
An agreement the Bush administration reached with Mexico on Social Security benefits would allow illegal aliens granted amnesty in the future to claim credit for the time they worked illegally. The deal was reached in 2004 but never released publicly because it hasn't been submitted to Congress.
By Stephen DinanTHE WASHINGTON TIMESJanuary 4, 2007
An agreement the Bush administration reached with Mexico on Social Security benefits would allow illegal aliens granted amnesty in the future to claim credit for the time they worked illegally. The deal was reached in 2004 but never released publicly because it hasn't been submitted to Congress.
The TREA Senior Citizens League, a Social Security advocacy group, recently obtained the document through a Freedom of Information Act, and said it confirms the group's worst fears. The document is a jumble of definitions and legal language, but a spokesman for the group said what's important is what's not in the text: It does nothing to prevent undocumented aliens who later get legal status from receiving benefits for the time they worked illegally. And that comes as the Social Security system's finances are about to be put under greater strain by the retirement of baby boomers.
You know what? Fuck it all.
If they can bend over and kiss the ass of a pathetic country such as Mexico even as Mexico and it's people trespass our borders, steal identities, steal everything they want or need from us and blatantly disrespect the people and the laws of this land, they can do it without MY TAX DOLLARS.
Fuck you, Government. It's on now.
Outrage of the Day
The United States is going to GIVE $86 million
to terrorists who wish Al Qaeda success
in attacking America and assassinating our President.
from LGF
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