Borders? We don't need no stinkin' borders!
Our current policy on (LOL) "border security" also leaves many honest would-be LEGAL immigrants feeling that they have no choice but to stoop to the level of an illegal.
Also, what does it say about the standards America holds itself to?
Not much.
What's Worse Than Open Borders?
Look around you...
Look around you...
For with a truly open border, oxymoron and nation-killer that that term may be, it could be expected that both the illiterate and the
educated would pass easily across it. Likewise, the middle-class and the poor, the peaceful and the violent, the honest and the criminal, and the skilled and the unskilled would be expected to enter into our nation with equal facility.

Yet that is hardly the system we have had imposed upon us by our federal government—for many skilled computer programmers from India are kept out while they await their visas. Educated Chinese scientists cannot find cash-only jobs in our aerospace industry. And the honest of all nations are kept outside our country by their very honesty, except for the small portion of aspiring legal immigrants that, after much paperwork and time and expense, are admitted properly.
And while those who know they will pass background checks wait for them to be performed, while those who would bring the most value to our economy are held up in legal bureaucracy, and while the honest are shocked by the idea of paying criminal gangs to smuggle them across desperate deserts, our current system selects perfectly for their demographic opposites.
For those who are criminals, the border is open.
For those without degrees, the border is open.
For the violent, the dishonest, the unskilled, the destitute, the illiterate … the border is open.
And so they flow in by the millions each year—unfettered by the compunctions that keep out their moral betters, and undaunted by the need for unforged documents that keeps out their intellectual betters (for high tech businesses have too much at stake to play the “wink, wink, nudge, nudge” game with fake IDs and random Social Security numbers).
No, we do not have an open border.
We have an anti-border.
It makes me sick to think that anyone may now come in and that this is a free for all for anyone from third world countries. Back in a certain time in history there were rules and regulations and people had to pass through Ellis Island and had to be at least be healthy. We have filth coming in and God only knows how many more diseases old and new are being brought here and to other developed nations and it's just turning into a never ending nightmare. Why can't we just take the educated and aargghhh I give up!
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