I was corralled by the NYPD today
I work about two blocks from the UN.
On my way home I was diverted Northward on 5th Ave, and then corralled at 53rd Street by our boys in blue... a uniform I once wore as an NYPD Auxilliary Officer.
Something was up. A motorcade, no doubt, and it could have been any one of the many degenerate vultures leaving the UN after a long, exhausting day of sucking up our air and... bashing America while savoring our impending demise.
I noticed, however, a flock of sheep that had gathered strategically in the very center of 5th Avenue. 
How ironic, I thought. It must be the antichrist. Yes, the air tastes foul of sulphur and rot and bullshit. It will be him.
The idiots all around me were giggling and blabbering (some actually in English!), doing the dance of a three-year-old who needs to go pee pee.
Yes, I thought, I am indeed surrounded by the obamanoids.
Let none of them bump into me or speak to me, for I know not what I'll do.
I felt so alone. Then I saw this and it relieved my angst for a moment. Some such as I have been here before me, perhaps I am not alone... perhaps they are still near...
Eventually he passed (but not in the way I long for).
I almost missed him. I was expecting a unicorn-drawn carriage.
Once I was finally allowed to cross I did so along 52nd Street and headed West.
I felt dirty, sullied. I desperately wanted a cold, STRONG drink and a long hot shower. Maybe an enema.
I seethed at my own weakness and searched my soul.
I had submitted.
Why had I not just headed back the way I came, guided by my honor, higher principles and in rescue of my dignity?
Why had I felt compelled to take the photo instead of flipping him off?
How could I possibly blog of such a self-inflicted humiliation?
What was the message here?
And... at that very moment... I swear, as I breathe...
I looked upwards, and was answered.
"This is the message you need to send out":
I thinketh not!
Mercifully the tinted windows on the car were up and I did not have to actually gaze at his evilness in the flesh.
Otherwise I would be gouging out my eyes with a red hot poker right now.
Haha...great post!
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