Wednesday, August 19, 2009

American Spirit: Targeted for extinction by equality -by Victor Hanson

... how strange that the highly-compensated, privileged DC technocrat deprecates the manifestation of success of the small businessman while bailing out the Wall Street buccaneers who have so lavishly donated in the past to the Obama cause. In the world of Obama, make $300,000 in household income and you deserve to be in the crosshairs; make $30,000,000 and you are a sensitive fat cat donor, who rises above class and personal interests, and so becomes deserving of a bail-out, insider exemption, honorific federal post or ambassadorship, or dinner at the White House.
by Victor Davis Hanson
Pajamas Media
Why Are People in Revolt?
The approval ratings on nearly every one of the President’s key policy initiatives — cap-and-trade, healthcare overhaul, government takeover of industry and finance, deficit spending, stimulus — are already less than half of polled voters. Obama’s own popularity has fallen dramatically and hovers near fifty percent. A number of well-publicized town meetings have erupted in shouting, as administration and congressional representatives try, often in condescending fashion, to explain the Obama agenda. The Republicans — written off just a few weeks ago as an obsolete party headed for oblivion — are now often polling higher in generic surveys than are Democrats.
Why the sudden uproar?...


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