Monday, May 25, 2009

Obama is the Antichrist

HT to Greg:
He sent jillosophy this:

and, well, it got me to a'musin' again. I wrote to him:
I watched that video - and also followed it to the video of the guy sitting by the river.
He says, as Christians, that we need to obey the "legitimately elected president". But Obama was NOT legitimately elected. We all know that. There was corruption every step of the way - starting with those who groomed him, sheltered him, covered up for him and ending with ACORN.
Also, he says that whoever doesn't bow to him, there will be suffering for them, that this is God's Will. I think that whoever doesn't bow, will be eliminated and will escape the worst of the worst. He also says that in the Bible, Babylon is the US & England. I don't agree. At least not in literal terms. Perhaps in relative terms.
I believe Obama is a phony - he stole this position with the help of evil forces of corruption, not with God's help. God gave us free will - and that is as far as that goes. Obama is proof that people are freely giving in to evil with their free will, not listening to our inner voices - and instead listening to the PC rhetoric that tells us all that is good (natural) is not good, and all that is bad (perverted) is not bad.
You and your wife should see this, as it explains a little of the mind f*ck that's been going on, and is very funny, poignant, excellent - and you will LOVE IT:

Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals "Think"
Hating What's Right: How the Modern Liberal Winds Up on the Wrong Side Every Time...

Those of us who can see that with our eyes, hearts, minds & souls have to stand up. He says talk show hosts (Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity I assume) are "false prophets". I disagree again there. Strongly. My gut tells me differently. Not that they are prophets, but they need to speak and be heard as voices of courage and clarity.
I think this man means well, but is taking the Bible too literally - and perhaps he feels the fate dolled out to the people of the Bilblical times he equates us to is what God wants us to have. I don't think so. I think God wants those of us still listening to escape this fate this time. That sounds like Revelations to me.
I think that Obama is a sign that evil powers are confusing people, and that there are too many spiritually weak people now. This is obvious to me. If you voted for him either you are confused, made weak by "conditioning" (voting for him because he's black and only because of that, which A LOT of people did, to make their egos feel better) or you are willingly submitting to evil out of conscious weakness or out of a sense of (false) righteousness. Or you are just plain evil and know it. They will bow down and will survive to suffer the worst of the worst. The rest of us will be long gone.

I am posting the lottery video & crediting you! That's just "too" interesting!!!


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