Thursday, April 23, 2009

... the left wants an Inquisition for heretics who failed to share its worldview.

The rule of law is paramount.
When we pervert the law for political ends, we attack our deepest foundations.
(Uh, I think that's the whole idea of this Antichrist Administration - jillosophy)
Ralph Peters
April 23, 2009
WITH the ugly sanctimony of those who never had to make hard decisions, the American left demands show trials of those who kept us safe after 9/11. Wrapping themselves in repugnant self-righteousness, the set wants political prosecutions. Should President Obama acquiesce, he won't be furthering the rule of law, but dismantling it.
Show trials have long been popular with leftists. Those who don't conform to each jot of doctrine become "enemies of the people." From Stalin down to Putin, and from Mao to Castro, vengeance disguised as law has been a mega-hit.
Those on the left don't want justice. If they did, they'd be protesting the murderous torture prevalent in Iran, the Gaza Strip, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela and Russia. Instead, our leftists want us to show the leaders of those terror states more respect.
The left is out for revenge. It always is. Hatred of those who think differently is the left's unifying principle. Leftists don't need God, but they see devils everywhere...
READ IT ALL!!!!!!!


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