Friday, February 27, 2009

The Sandinistas join with international Islamists and Noam Chomsky to gain control of the United Nations.

By: Joseph Klein
... Friday, February 27, 2009
For several decades now, the so-called non-aligned member states who currently dominate the United Nations General Assembly have sought to convert the United Nations into a global governance institution. The objective is to bring about what its proponents deem global social justice. The arbiters of what such a system should look like would include a majority of member states in the General Assembly (many of whom are not democracies themselves), unaccountable UN bureaucrats, and unelected left-wing non-governmental organizations accredited by the UN to participate in its deliberations.
These globalists demand massive international wealth redistribution to the under-developed world. They want the General Assembly to have authority to issue legally binding directives under international law and wherever possible to displace the Security Council, which is the only UN body today that has any power to pass and enforce binding resolutions under the United Nations Charter. They also seek to sharply reduce the powers of the Security Council’s permanent members, particularly the United States.
The largest single voting bloc within the UN’s non-aligned group consists of the 57 members of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC)...


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