‘God in heaven, Hitler on earth’ And Other Arab World Peculiarities

translated from the German:
…In Syria Hitler got so popular that you could hear the call “bala misyu bala mister, fi s-sama’Allah al-’ard Hitler” (…God in heaven, Hitler on earth).
Sami al-Gundi, one of the founding leaders of the Syrian Ba’th-Party described the athmosphere of the thirties like that:
“We were all racists, we admired National Socialism, read its books and the sources of its ideas. [...] Who lived in Damascus at that time can understand the inclination of the Arab people towards Nazism, because it was the power who could become the pioneer of our Arab cause. And who is defeated loves the victorious…”
The irony of Arab world obsession with Nazism (and their projection on Israel) is not lost on most of the civilized world. All the frenzied Arab outrage at the Israeli incursion into Gaza and attempts to make Israel the villain are absurd. There is little mention of the thousands of rockets fired into Israel prior to the Hamas ‘truce’ or the decades long and incessant racism, bigotry and calls to genocide.
It matters not one bit that Hamas came to power by way of free election, anymore than it mattered that Adolph Hitler made his way to power by way of free elections. Had the civilized world taken action and eliminated Hitler and his coterie of evil, 50 million people would be alive today.
President Obama must take care not to come across as an American TV commercial and nothing more. His message cannot be trite or play into the hands of those who would manipulate our nation or freedom. He cannot be drawn int0 negotiating with the deepest dysfunctions of the Arab world, the mantra of deceit repeated over and over:
Negotiate with Hamas, Hizbollah and Iran, that is good American foreign policy…negotiate with Hamas, Hizbollah and Iran, that is good American foreign policy… negotiate with Hamas, Hizbollah and Iran, that is good American foreign policy…
Negotiating with Hamas or Iran is not like negotiating with Australia. The reality that Hamas and Iran are sponsors of terror and even worse, they glorify terror. They will not see the light, even if we stopped ‘humiliating’ them and started ‘respecting’ them.
Prior to WWII, Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles, rearmed Germany to the extreme, beat the drums of war and put that nation on a war footing. The Europeans, loathe to fight another war recalling the horrors of WWI, did everything they could to avoid another conflagration. Europe turned a blind eye after Hitler waltzed into Czechoslovakia and took the Sudetenland. They believed him when he said ‘that was all he wanted, to correct past injustices suffered by the German ethnic minority.’
Chamberlain, the gold medal champion of European denial and psychopathy, went to Berlin and met with ‘civilized’ Hitler to much newsreel fanfare. He returned home to an adoring crowd, waving a piece of paper ’signed by Herr Hitler.’ There was to be no war, Chamberlain assured a nervous nation and continent. In fact, he soothed European fears and declared, ‘There will be peace in our time.’
European reticence to deal with Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party firmly and definitively was to cost the world fifty million lives.
Neville Chamberlain bent over backwards to appease Adolph Hitler. He was idolized by the left in the UK and the Nazi sympathizers before the war. Despite his ‘good intentions’ and ‘well meaning,’ the former British Prime Minister today is today reviled and thought of as a naive fool. Chamberlain proved that people cannot be talked out of evil. Once the ‘hearts and minds’ have accepted evil, the only way to rid them of that evil is by making it impossible for them to impose that evil on others.
Both the Iranian and Palestinian regimes have sponsored publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and have made antisemitism a cornerstone of their respective societies, manifested in media, education and religious instruction.
Like the Nazis before them, the Iranian and Palestinian regimes will never be considered as equals by us as as long as hate dominates their political agenda, culture and society. Unlike Neville Chamberlain before him, President Obama must make clear that appeasement and dressing apes up in tuxedos is a useless endeavor.
Mr Obama would do well to take a long, hard look at those who propose to dance with him.
…In Syria Hitler got so popular that you could hear the call “bala misyu bala mister, fi s-sama’Allah al-’ard Hitler” (…God in heaven, Hitler on earth).
Sami al-Gundi, one of the founding leaders of the Syrian Ba’th-Party described the athmosphere of the thirties like that:
“We were all racists, we admired National Socialism, read its books and the sources of its ideas. [...] Who lived in Damascus at that time can understand the inclination of the Arab people towards Nazism, because it was the power who could become the pioneer of our Arab cause. And who is defeated loves the victorious…”
The irony of Arab world obsession with Nazism (and their projection on Israel) is not lost on most of the civilized world. All the frenzied Arab outrage at the Israeli incursion into Gaza and attempts to make Israel the villain are absurd. There is little mention of the thousands of rockets fired into Israel prior to the Hamas ‘truce’ or the decades long and incessant racism, bigotry and calls to genocide.
It matters not one bit that Hamas came to power by way of free election, anymore than it mattered that Adolph Hitler made his way to power by way of free elections. Had the civilized world taken action and eliminated Hitler and his coterie of evil, 50 million people would be alive today.
President Obama must take care not to come across as an American TV commercial and nothing more. His message cannot be trite or play into the hands of those who would manipulate our nation or freedom. He cannot be drawn int0 negotiating with the deepest dysfunctions of the Arab world, the mantra of deceit repeated over and over:
Negotiate with Hamas, Hizbollah and Iran, that is good American foreign policy…negotiate with Hamas, Hizbollah and Iran, that is good American foreign policy… negotiate with Hamas, Hizbollah and Iran, that is good American foreign policy…
Negotiating with Hamas or Iran is not like negotiating with Australia. The reality that Hamas and Iran are sponsors of terror and even worse, they glorify terror. They will not see the light, even if we stopped ‘humiliating’ them and started ‘respecting’ them.
Prior to WWII, Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles, rearmed Germany to the extreme, beat the drums of war and put that nation on a war footing. The Europeans, loathe to fight another war recalling the horrors of WWI, did everything they could to avoid another conflagration. Europe turned a blind eye after Hitler waltzed into Czechoslovakia and took the Sudetenland. They believed him when he said ‘that was all he wanted, to correct past injustices suffered by the German ethnic minority.’
Chamberlain, the gold medal champion of European denial and psychopathy, went to Berlin and met with ‘civilized’ Hitler to much newsreel fanfare. He returned home to an adoring crowd, waving a piece of paper ’signed by Herr Hitler.’ There was to be no war, Chamberlain assured a nervous nation and continent. In fact, he soothed European fears and declared, ‘There will be peace in our time.’
European reticence to deal with Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party firmly and definitively was to cost the world fifty million lives.
Neville Chamberlain bent over backwards to appease Adolph Hitler. He was idolized by the left in the UK and the Nazi sympathizers before the war. Despite his ‘good intentions’ and ‘well meaning,’ the former British Prime Minister today is today reviled and thought of as a naive fool. Chamberlain proved that people cannot be talked out of evil. Once the ‘hearts and minds’ have accepted evil, the only way to rid them of that evil is by making it impossible for them to impose that evil on others.
Both the Iranian and Palestinian regimes have sponsored publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and have made antisemitism a cornerstone of their respective societies, manifested in media, education and religious instruction.
Like the Nazis before them, the Iranian and Palestinian regimes will never be considered as equals by us as as long as hate dominates their political agenda, culture and society. Unlike Neville Chamberlain before him, President Obama must make clear that appeasement and dressing apes up in tuxedos is a useless endeavor.
Mr Obama would do well to take a long, hard look at those who propose to dance with him.
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