The Antichrist Has Taken Power
I will not accept nor claim the Antichrist as my president. I will not be his citizen.
And I will never get my country back.
I am sick. Sickened. Ill.
I cannot eat.
The future is so very dark.
There will NEVER be another free and fair election in this country again.
Why should there be? Do you honestly think they will EVER let that happen? Why whould they?
I will not be blogging or posting for a while. Maybe days, maybe weeks. I have no idea. All I know is that I am losing it now and have to find a way to come to terms with this new world. I need to breathe again.
Here is my final offering to pass on to you. It pretty much says it all:
I need to stop and ponder the coming four years, as that is how long we have. And until then, things will continually deteriorate. Spiralling downward, sucked in by evil and swallowed deep.
I need to decide on how best to spend my time left. How to keep from going crazy amidst the coming turmoil and likely civil war... and the imminent and eventual next act of jihad. And the many more - thousands in fact - violent islamic acts that will undoubtedly follow. And all the whining! God the whining! ... and those petty, nauseatingly pathetic soft jihad assaults on our sense of logic, decency and justice. Three things they inherently know nothing about.
And it will be happening everywhere. That's E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E. To everyone - all around the world. There is nowhere to go anymore.
I expect I will crave living life to the fullest, with not a thing to lose anymore. Carefree, fearless, indulgent... But the world will not be safe for me any more. And freedom, sanctuary, peace of mind and even a little luxury (like being able to afford to heat my apartment) could be something hard to achieve. And it will be that way for the rest of my life. It's going to get ugly.
It is quite probable that I will not watch the news for quite some time to come. I don't wish to witness who will be trapsing through the White House. I can't even begin to imagine...
So now, what does my life really mean to me - now that the end is near and life will never be the same again? That is what I am considering for the time being.
That and how to keep my sanity.
And what now to live for? Seriously.
Take stock.
The End Times are here.
Yours truly in spirit,

Hey, Jillosophy,
Relax and don't worry. Obama is not the AntiChrist. He is just a Chicago thug who told lie after lie to win the election which he actually stole from Senator Clinton and Senator McCain.
Obama will be living in a goldfish bowl for the next 4 years under constant scrutiny by the press and millions of others watching him while they are oiling up their guns.
Sometime it is just best to get away from the computer for several months until you WANT to go back to it.
Me, someday I would just like to get in my car and follow the original Lewis and Clark Trail all the way to the northwest corner of Oregon and let all the Islam crap and computer noise just melt from my mind and just have some fun driving and listening to my favorite musicians.
You will be okay. Yeah, a lot of people want to puke their guts out over a lying stealth Muslim stealing power and living in the White House greasing up the sheets but this too shall pass.
If you will excuse me now, I've got to go oil something . . .
Take Heart Jillosophy,
I too am sickened by the majority vote of my fellow countrymen. It seems as though there are more of us interested in voting themselves largess from the treasury than are willing to be free, independent, Americans.
God is still in control, and this will be a time of repair and reflection for those of us who treasure liberty and freedom for all.
I will check in periodically to make sure you are still there. Never, never, give up. Stay ever viligant.:-)
Regards, NFBailey
Lan Astaslem!
Will you?
Please don't - there are too few of us as it is.
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