Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Pro-(Antichrist), Muslim-led voter registration in mosques

October 7, 2008
If this story was about churches or synagogues, don't you think it would be all over the NYT and the DOJ would be all over it?
(Emphasis mine) [...] A leading critic of Islam isn't surprised there has been virtually no coverage or action taken against a Muslim group that has been running an illegal "get out the vote" campaign in swing-state mosques.

The group, Muslim Americans for Obama [MAFO], insists that all of its voter registration activity is non-partisan, despite the fact that its mission statement says it was launched in August 2008 "to provide a vehicle for Muslim-American supporters of Barack Obama to organize and mobilize our fellow citizens to get out the vote to elect Barack Obama the next president of the United States." ... the group's website states: "Although there is only a short period of time until the election..., there is much work to be done for supporters of Barack Obama's candidacy. [MAFO] was formed to offer a vehicle for Muslim-Americans to mobilize quickly and effectively so that our community turns out in great numbers for Barack Obama on Election Day."
The "get out the vote" events are scheduled at mosques in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, and Ohio. Robert Spencer is director of Jihad Watch, a project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He argues MAFO may be skirting the law. "When they are running these voter registration drives at mosques, really it's essentially illegal because they are clearly trying to get people to vote for Obama -- and that's in violation of their tax-exempt status," Spencer charges. ... The Jihad Watch leader, however, figures that is not likely to happen. "...I kind of doubt that they will be [disciplined], given the politically correct atmosphere nowadays," he says. "I wouldn't be the least surprised if no action is taken against them."
Spencer contends that if a group called "Christians for John McCain" claimed to be non-partisan and ran a registration drive in churches, it would be all over the media and create a huge scandal and embarrassment for the McCain campaign.
Shouldn't Americans be hugely concerned that not only is this going on but that our society has allowed itself to be intimidated by the left (and the Islamists) into a political correctness that is in direct conflict with the laws of our land?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The IRS restriction is that church personnel cannot endorse or trash a specific, named candidate from the pulpit. Running voter registration drives is completely allowable and has been taking places all over the country in Catholic & Protestant churches, Jewish synagogues, Buddhist and Hindu temples, etc. .

10:25 PM  

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