Monday, October 13, 2008

Deport the Antichrist!

Is this a 'game changer'?
... then read the article at The American Thinker.
I'm not going to express an opinion on what I think about this video and the article, other than to say that I do consider both, at the very least, to be interesting albeit I know nothing about the credibility of Philip Berg who comments in the video.
According to the article at the above link, Berg is said to be a lifelong Democrat who has held political office and been a committeeman who has brought suit over what the article claims are "the real questions raised by the absence of a valid Obama birth certificate" (I know you're thinking "oh no, not another birth certificate story," but this has a wee bit of substance to it with a message, of sorts). As for whether or not I see this as a game changer, my answer is that I definitely do not.Here's an excerpt from the TAT discussion about the video:
His narrative of the various questions Obama has refused to answer is devastating. Graphics and sound are well-deployed to avoid tedium as factual data is conveyed in a way that allows viewers to absorb it. When he contrasts Obama's behavior when challenged (use perfectly valid legal technicalities to delay) with John McCain's full disclosure of all documentary evidence under a similar challenge (remember the flap over his birth in the Panama Canal Zone? -- who raised those questions, anyway?), there is no doubt in a "viewer's mind" that there is something seriously wrong here.
10/12 Update: Is raising questions about Obama's birth certificate a smear campaign?
[...] Here's why it's not. The circumstantial evidence for weirdness around this birth certificate is so great that legitimate questions arise -- questions anyone with common sense would ask. The answers to those questions can easily be provided. The Obama-Biden campaign can resolve this now with proof that Obama is a natural-born U.S. citizen, as is mandated for presidential candidates anyway. The job of a press is to ask questions which have a basis in fact. See for yourself the full chronology here. See whether you are certain there are no legitimate questions worth asking. I am asking the Obama campaign to resolve a factual question which they must already have covered in the vetting process. After all, Obama is running for president, and he is constitutionally ineligible to do so if he wasn't born on U.S. territory. Therefore it is legitimate to ask questions about it.
Update: Ed Morrissey shares my doubts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please note that I am parodying Andrew Sullivan's obsession with Trig Palin.

3:33 PM  

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