Dhimmicrats: "O'bami goooood... Sarah baaaaad."
I enjoyed reading this - thought you might too!

DaleinAtlanta said...
Okay, let's take a careful look at the narrative that the Anti-American/Pro-Jiahdi Leftist Democratic Traitor Nutbags are now trying to frame for the world, with the support of their fellow Anti-Americans in the Mainstream Media, now that they have their collective panties in a wad over McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his VP running mate:
Sarah Palin's oldest child conceived/born out of wedlock (according to Democratic rumors) = BAD!, BAD!
Obama himself conceived/possibly born out of wedlock, in 1961 = GOOD! GOOD!
Sarah Palin is a proud American = BAD! BAD!
Obama hates and despises America = GOOD! GOOD!
Sarah Palin is Pro-Life = BAD! BAD!
Obama supports Infanticide = GOOD! GOOD!
Sarah Palin married to a Native American = BAD! BAD!
Obama himself 50% minority, and has self-radicalized to the point where he hates the "white" half - GOOD! GOOD!
Sarah Palin married to a Blue-collar, outdoorsy-type who loves his country = BAD! BAD!
Barack Obama married to an Anti-American/Anti-White Racist who despises America = GOOD! GOOD!
Sarah Palin born in America, proud to be an American and is a white Christian, and doesn't lie about it = BAD! BAD!
Barack Obama born Muslim, registered overseas as a Muslim in grade school; was given Indonesian citizenship that we have no idea if he has ever renounced, and later joined for 20 years, an Anti-American/Anti-White/Anti-Semitic "Christian" "Church" = GOOD! GOOD!
Sarah Palin is a Capitialist, and proud of it = BAD! BAD!
Barack Obama is a Marxist, and tries to hide it = GOOD! GOOD!
Sarah Palin has executive experience on a Local and State Level = BAD! BAD!
Barack Obama has NO executive experience at any level = GOOD! GOOD!
Sarah Palin has attacked corruption, even against her own party, at both the Local and State Level = BAD! BAD!
Barack Obama is a product of the digustingly corrupt Daley/Farrakhan Chicago Democratic Political Machine, and has not only been embraced by them, but enabled them = GOOD! GOOD!
Sarah Palin would rather shoot a terrorist, than been seen with one = BAD! BAD!
Barack Obama was mentored by an Anti-American/Anti-White Communist Pedophile named Frank Marshall David; self-admittedly hung out with Radicals and Marxist Socialists in College; has been in the backpocket of Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi/Anti-Semitic Radical and Corrupt Palestinians and Arabs such as Edward Said, Tony Rezko, et. al. since college; and has his political career jumpstarted and nurtured and supported till this day by unrepentent domestic terrorist & Date Rapist, William Ayers, and his equally repellent wife, Bernadine Dorhn = GOOD! GOOD!
I could go on and one, but you get the point.
I just want to make sure I understand the "rules"!
PS: if anyone has any doubt about the FACTS, as I have posted above regarding Barack HUSSEIN Obama (PBUH) (SAW) (SWT), please let me know, and I will provide the Proof!

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