Sunday, July 27, 2008

Holy Islam: Holy Illiteracy, Holy Poverty, Holy Backwardness

This is how illiteracy and poverty are glorified in Islam as Allah’s will. Illiteracy and poverty often go hand-in-hand and followed by backwardness. This is how Muslims achieve all three together. Non-Muslims will never be able to catch up the Muslims in this field.
by Sujit Das
23 Jul, 2008
[A note to the readers: The olden unsolved ‘Chicken or the egg’ riddle does not bother me anymore because very recently another similar type of doubt rose within me. We all know that ignorance, poverty and backwardness are the holy heritage of Islam. But, which came first? Are Muslims poor because they are ignorant and backwards; or ignorant because they are poor and backwards; or backwards because they are ignorant and poor? The billion dollar question is; which came first – Muslim’s ignorance or Muslim’s poverty or Muslim’s backwardness?
I have spent enough sleepless night to solve this puzzle but in vain. I leave it to the readers to make inquiries and to come to a logical conclusion. Thank you.]


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