Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Women Not Tolerating Sharpton's Rape Rant

Race; Posted on: 2008-04-02 13:44:47
The Jena Six Through the Looking Glass
Al Sharpton and the local chapter of the NAACP have gotten themselves into trouble with black women for trying to turn the Dunbar Village rape case into a showpiece of racial injustice. During the past three weeks, a network of about 30 black women bloggers have been blistering Sharpton and the local NAACP for coddling the black teenagers accused taking a neighborhood woman at gunpoint into her West Palm Beach home, raping her and forcing her to have sex with her own pre-teen son. Earlier this month, Sharpton stood in front of the Palm Beach County State Attorney's Office with local NAACP officials and relatives of the accused Dunbar Village rapists to complain that these teenage boys are victims of racial discrimination.


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