Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Know Thy Enemy

Largest Muslim student newspaper in America
Its prison outreach program seeks to recruit new converts to Islam
Publishes many articles and opinion pieces expressing contempt for the U.S. and Israel
In July 1999 Al-Talib featured a cover story on Osama bin Laden, titled “The Spirit of Jihad.” Said this piece: “When we hear someone refer to the great mujahideen Osama Bin-Ladin as a ‘terrorist,’ we should defend our brother and refer to him as a freedom fighter; someone who has forsaken wealth and power to fight in Allah’s cause and speak out against oppressors.”
Al-Talib is the news magazine of the Muslim Students Association of UCLA (MSA UCLA). Founded in 1990 and staffed entirely by unpaid students, it is the largest Muslim student publication in the United States. The press run for each issue is approximately 20,000 copies, which are distributed to more than 150 locations (mostly mosques, community centers, and college campuses) in 37 states. All told, Al-Talib’s estimated national readership is about 56,000.The publication’s major “topic points” include: “spirituality, politics, Islamic history, and challenges facing Muslim-Americans.” Its mission is to “serv[e] the American community with deeper understanding of events that occur throughout the world”; “to remain an independent forum for a diverse spectrum of views and concerns”; and “to correct the mainstream media’s misconceptions about Islam and enlighten the readers of the true teachings of Islam.”Through its outreach program for prison inmates, “Al-Talib is made available to the incarcerated population as it may be their only sources of news and consciousness to international events [sic].”
The goal of this initiative is to win converts to the Islamic faith...


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