Monday, February 18, 2008

Reconquista Union Backs Obama

A Step Closer to Conquest of Aztlan
Will Southern California Become Our Kosovo?
Reconquista Labor Unions Run It
Lou Dobbs Tonight -- CNN -- February 15
Pilgrim: Jessica, the Service Workers Union is well known for its support of illegal alien amnesty and open borders. Now are they choosing to endorse Obama because they feel he's most aligned with their position?
Yellin: They are saying that Senator Obama is aligned with their position on this issue as well on others. In a statement to CNN about his immigration position, they say, we support Barack Obama because he supports a comprehensive solution that provides an earned pass to citizenship. That's from the SEIU -- Kitty?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reconquista . . .join the chorus with "Muslim Americans for Barack Obama"

Video "Muslim Americans for Barack Obama" Creepy, violent . . .very telling. Listen to the script . . .
first gunshot at marker :36
At 1:00 "They hate all of us for the same reason(s).
All of us catch hell from the same enemy. We are in the same bay, in the same boat.
. ..We suffer
"Political oppression"
"Economic exploitation" and
"Social degredation"
"All of them from the same enemy"
The verbage after that segment at 1:24 is unintelligible.
The next overlayed speaker is equally unintelligble, but the sound effects imply a car crash/carbomb? ending with the words 1:40 "kill with this violence" "?? this attack"?
Further along, 2:05 you hear the reference:
"I am reminded of young David, I am reminded of young David the shepherd boy who stood up before the great warrior of the Philistines. Young David having all of the courage. There must be someone somewhere. There has got to be somebody somewhere . Young David took that one small stone and with the faith of his God and SLAYED THE GIANT!". . ."CRY HOPE" . . .ending with a tribal chant & heavy drumbeat escalating in intensity until the final burst of machine gunfire.

Comparing the muslim minority to David? The giant to the USA? The small stone to 9/11?

The audacity of muhammedan hope?

10:59 PM  

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