Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Postcards from the Precipice

Rod Dreher: The Galling Arrogance of Mexico
The idea that Mexican nationals here need an "anti-defamation league" entails the obnoxious notion that to oppose illegal immigration is, on its face, a racist position.
That's precisely the stance Mexican consulates have taken in other cases, Ms. Mac Donald reports. The Mexican consul in Boston, for example, vigorously protested the arrest and criminal trespass trial of four illegals as "discriminatory and a violation of human rights."
"This is our culture - fight for it. This is our flag - pick it up. This is our country - take it back." --- Presidential candidate Tom Tancredo
We, as a nation, stand on the precipice of our own cultural disintegration. Our culture stands in the crosshairs of clashing civilizations via importation of millions of immigrants from incompatible cultures.
This week, in Denver, Colorado, immigrants want Halloween celebrations taken out of the school systems. Peter Boyles, talk jock of KHOW 630 AM said, “Next they will demand Thanksgiving be taken away from us.” Americans like Boyles do the job Congress refuses to do! Diversity proves a great divide that dissolves American culture.
Why do we allow multiculturalism to trump 231 years of successful U.S. culture?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you feel sad that no one cares to comment on your bigoted and idiotic ramblings?

Well, at least you got one now.

9:33 PM  

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