Thursday, September 06, 2007

That Racist Swedish Flag

Thursday, September 06, 2007
by Baron Bodissey

You know, I’d do just as well to close this blog down and just give readers a permanent link to The Local, the Swedish English-language news site. I’ve been citing The Local four or five times a day; that’s where all the Lars Vilks news is, and from Sweden come all the Multicultural, PC, and dhimmitude stories that you would ever want to read. Not only that, The Local has those good-looking Nordic babes in bathing suits in the ads on the sidebar — who could ask for more?Anywhere, here’s the latest: it seems that the Swedish flag is inherently racist, and must not be displayed:
‘Racist’ sports shirts banned from school
A school principal in southern Sweden has banned pupils from posing for class photos wearing national team shirts containing Swedish flags.Since national flags may be perceived by some as xenophobic, eighth grade pupils in Karlshamn have been ordered to wear less inflammatory garb for a photo to be published in the school yearbook.“Anybody looking at the photo could view it as a political demonstration,” principal Pär Blondell from Strandskolan told news agency TT.
The headmaster added that some of the pupils have labelled the ruling “ridiculous”.
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Following an article on the subject in newspaper Sydsvenkan, a number of parents and irate letter-writers contacted the principal to express their dismay at the shirt ban.
But Blondell stuck to his guns, arguing that the pupils risked inadvertently earning themselves a bad reputation. People could begin speculating about “the racists from Karlshamn” once the yearbook began being distributed in the Malmö area, he said.
“National flags may be perceived by some as xenophobic.”
Why is that? How could simply displaying your country’s own flag within that same country be xenophobic?
It’s not like these kids are chasing down Somalis in the street and hacking their heads off while waving the Swedish flag. They’re just playing soccer, for God’s sake!
The reason that the national flag is xenophobic is because it represents a nation.
If you are a member of the Multicultural elite, then you believe that the nation-state is outmoded, and should no longer be used as a political construct in arranging human affairs. Therefore, anyone who embraces, supports or refers to a nation is an atavism, and inherently a racist and a xenophobe.
The truly enlightened transnational progressives believe that borders are an artificial construct which need to be deconstructed and done away with.
The people who hold these opinions are limousine liberals, leftover Marxists, the leftists and socialists who guide cultural policy in the West, mostly from unelected positions within the media, academia, and the permanent bureaucracy.
Ordinary people don’t have any say in such things, nor should they; they are ignorant and misguided throwbacks to those benighted days when discredited values like family, religion, and patriotism were the norm.
All these things need to be done away with to hasten the arrival of the Millennium, when we will all live in a Multicultural paradise.
How could we resist?


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