New York City Moves to Aid and Abet Illegal Aliens

Anarchy in New York
Immigration Reform Law Institute
Lou Dobbs Tonight -- CNN -- July 25
Lou Dobbs Tonight -- CNN -- July 25
Kobach: These cities were already violating federal law by creating sanctuary policies. Now they will be committing federal crimes by aiding and abetting illegal aliens and by encouraging illegal aliens to reside by giving them residency cards in their jurisdiction.
Wian: We contacted the Justice Department to ask if it would take action against New Haven or New York, should it follow suit.
Dobbs: ... I do offer an opinion on occasions like this. This Justice Department - this Department of Homeland Security - the Bush Administration has shown itself to be the least responsible administration in memory in terms enforcing border security, port security and U.S. immigration laws.
Standard Speaker -- Hazleton, Pennsylvania
A federal judge has struck down the Illegal Immigration Relief Act, ruling Hazleton's proposed crackdown on landlords and employers doing business with illegal immigrants is unconstitutional. In a 206-page opinion, U.S. District Judge James M. Munley stated "federal law prohibits Hazleton from enforcing any of the provisions of its ordinance."
Chattanooga Times/Free Press
Chattanooga Times/Free Press
Tennessee and Georgia had double-digit percentage increases in their populations of Hispanic children and children of immigrants between 2000 and 2005, according to a report issued today by the nonprofit Annie E. Casey Foundation. -- "We live in a global society now," said Pam Brown, Tennessee state director...
Congressional Quarterly
Congressional Quarterly
After a flurry of negotiations, the Senate on Thursday agreed to add $3 billion in emergency border security funding to the fiscal 2008 homeland security spending bill, drawing Congress closer to a confrontation with the president over the level of funding in the bill. -- The amendment, offered by Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., was adopted by 89-1.
Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett has repudiated his signing in 2004 of a document described as "The Declaration of North American Integration." -- "I do not favor the North American Union," Cornett he told WND in a telephone interview yesterday. "It was a pretty stupid thing to get involved with three years ago..."
Ridgecrest (Calif.) Daily Independent
Patrolling the front gate would be one of many duties for a local organization should local resident David Glazer form a Minutemen group. -- Glazer said he has grown increasingly frustrated over what he deems an issue elected officials and law enforcement agencies are ignoring: Illegal [aliens... criminals] who don't suffer for breaking the law.
Fox News
Fox News
Latino leaders and faith-based organizations in the U.S. state of Arizona want a local sheriff to disconnect the hotline he created for people to report information about illegal immigrants, saying it raises the chance of racial profiling. -- Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Wednesday, however, that he would not disconnect the hotline...
A Houston man has been sentenced for harboring illegal aliens, some of whom had access to an Alexandria airbase and Louisiana National Guard facility under a Federal Emergency Management Agency construction contract. -- Arturo Ibarra- Gamez was indicted in June 2006 following an investigation...
Orange County Register -- Santa Ana, Calif.
Orange County Register -- Santa Ana, Calif.
For a few hours on Wednesday, the immigration debate was back on the floor of the Senate. And the result was the same: Nothing happened. -- The Senate refused to act on a Republican amendment to the Homeland Security spending bill that would have added $3 billion for border security and made changes in immigration enforcement policy.
Rocky Mountain News
Rocky Mountain News
Des Moines -- Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly has defended Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado in his ongoing, public feud with fellow Republican presidential contender Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas. -- In recent weeks, Brownback has called on Tancredo to return contributions he has received from John Tanton...
Excellent Article on North American Union !
Stephen Lendman: The Militarization and Annexation of North America, The Security and Prosperity Partnership (Unmasked)
Stephen Lendman: The Militarization and Annexation of North America, The Security and Prosperity Partnership (Unmasked)
Black Leadership Network 'Project 21' Squares Off with Hispanics Over LULAC's Request for Pelosi to Bring Back 'Fairness Doctrine'
NM: Customs and Border Patrol Agents Arrest Previously Deported Sex Offender in Deming
AZ: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Says Illegal Alien Hotline Off to Great Start
Black Leadership Network 'Project 21' Squares Off with Hispanics Over LULAC's Request for Pelosi to Bring Back 'Fairness Doctrine'
NM: Customs and Border Patrol Agents Arrest Previously Deported Sex Offender in Deming
AZ: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Says Illegal Alien Hotline Off to Great Start
NY: Six Illegal Alien Child Sex Offenders Arrested by ICE in Westchester County as Part of Fed's 'Operation Predator'
MI: Raids Net Dozens More Illegal Immigrants AGAIN at Dairy Farm in Bad Axe
Rev. Al Sharpton and Wal-Mart CEO Leo Scott Join Forces with 'La Raza' and Call for Revival of the Immigration Reform Legislation
PA: Car Wash Raid in Harrisburg Yields Drug Charges Against Immigrants (
MI: Raids Net Dozens More Illegal Immigrants AGAIN at Dairy Farm in Bad Axe
Rev. Al Sharpton and Wal-Mart CEO Leo Scott Join Forces with 'La Raza' and Call for Revival of the Immigration Reform Legislation
PA: Car Wash Raid in Harrisburg Yields Drug Charges Against Immigrants (
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