Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hanson and Sowell...

This bill was an insult to people’s intelligence from start to finish, and the elites are continuing to insult people’s intelligence after being defeated.
July 3, 2007 12:00 AM
This Is Democracy... Upsetting the elite.
By Thomas Sowell
With the White House, the leaders of both political parties, and the media all solidly behind the “comprehensive” immigration “reform” bill, how could it be stopped in the Senate, as it was last week?
The people stopped it. That is what democracy is all about.When members of Congress began to be deluged with angry letters, phone calls, and e-mails from their constituents, they knew the game was over — and that their careers could be over if they didn’t pay attention to what the voters were saying.
If the American public wants the border closed first, and discussion of everything else later, is that really such a bad thing?
In short, a savvy public is neither racist nor hysterical in wanting the border closed now. It's the only comprehensive solution to the present mess of illegal immigration.
July 05, 2007
The Revolt on Illegal Immigration
By Victor Davis Hanson
After the utter collapse in the Senate last week of a comprehensive immigration bill, Washington insiders are blaming everyone and everything.
Supposedly, talk-radio hysteria killed the bill. Or was it the purported racism of yokels? Or did most of us fail to appreciate the hidden benefits of open borders so clear only to those in Washington?


Blogger BillT said...

"The people stopped it. That is what democracy is all about.When members of Congress began to be deluged with angry letters, phone calls, and e-mails from their constituents, they knew the game was over — and that their careers could be over if they didn’t pay attention to what the voters were saying."

The only problem is how many people will remember this little incident in November of 2008?

3:38 PM  

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