Thursday, July 12, 2007

The EU Constitution Arrives by Stealth

The EU has never backed down on any up-ratchet in its quest for power, even if the voters were dead set against it. And it is so corrupt that it has never even passed its own annual audits.
The EU looks to be a supernationalist enterprise, serving itself and its ruling class, while prattling about love and peace forever. Millions of American liberals will fall for the sucker play, because liberalism is nothing but European socialism.
July 12, 2007
By James Lewis
Nearly everybody watching the process agrees that the new European Constitution is being locked in by stealth and deception. It says so right on the front pages of the London Telegraph and Times.
The new EU "Un-Constitution" will centralize foreign policy making in Brussels -- along with military, police and executive control -- without any voter input. It will dissolve two dozen historic nations, and empower Brussels' dictocrats to issue arrest warrants to incarcerate Irishmen in Dublin. A dozen Eurocrats have openly admitted the constitutional fraud in the press, including Giscard d'Estaing, the author of the old, superfatted Constitution that was solidly voted down in France and Holland, the last time the voters were asked to give their humble opinions. They are not being consulted this time around because they dared give an answer the eurocrats didn't like.
This is the continent that gave us Nazism, Prussianism, Stalinism, Francoism, Petainism, Napoleonic Gaullism, Serbian genocide, and welfare Socialism in the last century alone. It has originated nearly all the major international wars of the last 200 years. It has silently enabled genocide in Rwanda, Sudan, the Congo, Cambodia, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, China and Kosovo. It is currently being penetrated and infiltrated by the third major totalitarian ideology of the last hundred years, oil-fed Wahhabi Islam, resulting in years of car-burning riots in France, subway bombs in London, and a reign of terror on college campuses from Spain to Norway. Europe is not just Switzerland, folks, with a strong and stable government. It is a continent with an endless history of turmoil and bloodshed.
So if you're a European and know you're being massively lied to about the most important political choice in your lifetime, would you just turn over on your couch and go back to sleep? Because half a billion Europeans are doing exactly that. It's stupefying.
Last week, the London Telegraph started an internet petition against the fraudulent constitution-by-stealth.
How many signatures did it get? Less than 2,000.
The Prime Minister's office at 10 Downing Street has a petition for a referendum on the "Un-Constitution" that is running a little over 10,000.
But that's about it: we're talking about five hundred million people from Ireland to Ukraine...
read more... and try not to think of our own NAU problem...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do what you can! Vote YES to Free Europe Constitution at
Open also for non-Europeans.

10:06 AM  

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