Brooklyn Academy of... Terrorism?
STOP The Khalil Gibran International Academy!
Among a long list of problems that parents and members of the coalition have with the Khalil Gibran International Academy, the NY public school madrassa in Brooklyn include a religious board (for what?) and the Radical Islamic ties of many of the administration.
Dhabah Almontaser, the principal of KGIA is an Islamist who is painfully unqualified for head of school. How did she get the plum job of Principal? Her experience is limited to teaching and "activism." A former Principal called the Malzberg show explaining that Almontaser was assigned to his school to conduct her sensitivity classes after 9/11. He found her comments during teacher training to be political. He asked her what her professional experience was. The answer....2 yrs as an elementary school teacher. He read about KGIA and was surprised that with such little teaching experience, then political activism following, she is now a Principal.
Principal Of Khalil Gibran International Academy, Dhabah Almontaser Slammed In Expose
Pipeline News
July 30, 2007 - San Francisco, CA - - A five minute video [Access Video Here] just released casts grave doubt as to the suitability of Dhabah Almontaser to serve as the principal at the embattled Khalil Gibran International Academy, a proposed Arab-centric public school scheduled to open in September.
The charges directed against Almontaser go to the heart of the debate over the school, which has parents, national security researchers, Middle East experts and advocates of church-state separation uniting in their opposition to the school's opening in Brooklyn.
Almontaser has served in the New York's Department of Education since 911 doing what is essentially dawa work, wearing a hijab so she can act as a "role model for young women throughout the city"- seemingly a clear case of the type of religious proselytizing which is expressly denied in the First Amendment's "establishment clause" - while denying in classroom settings that the September 11 attackers were either Muslim or Arab.
"I don't recognize the people who committed the attacks as either Arabs or Muslims." - Dhabah Almontaser [source ]
Almontaser's public school work mandate to spread what is clearly Islamist revisionism has been granted by New York's multicultural educrats because of the undocumented canard - loudly spread by faux Muslim civil rights groups - that there has been huge increase in anti-Muslim hostility since the September attacks.
The proposal to create a public school pushing an Arabist agenda and carrying out much of its instruction in Arabic highlights the absurdity of rewarding a noisy minority group well versed in using the system against itself, in this case to cravenly recycle the 911 attacks, using them once again against the society which has already been forced to endure them.
This is a calculated logic of rejecting assimilation while imposing elements of Sharia incrementally. It is dialectic in which every instance of Islamic terror can then be used to assert charges of Islamophobia.
In a July 30 article published in USA Today dealing with the encroachment of Sharia - Islamic law - into the public school system, Dr. Daniel Pipes, the director of the Middle East Forum stated:
"The goal of Islamists is the application of Islamic law."
Agreeing with Pipes in this piece was Richard Thompson, president of the Thomas More Law Center who said:
"What (school officials) are to give Muslim students religious benefits that they do not give any other religion right now." [source ]
The degree to which the Islamists are willing to bend reality in furtherance of their goals is demonstrated by Almontaser who has not only denied that the 911 attackers - 15 of whom were Saudis - were either Muslim or Arab, but has asserted that the United States was itself responsible for the September 11 attacks.
Read it all. There is so much more.
We immediately call on NYC Education Chancellor Joel Klein to immediately remove Dhabah Almontaser as principal of KGIA. Her extremist views and deeply troubling associations make her unfit for such a position of leadership.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle covered the response to Stop The Madrassa’s demands for curricula that came from Chancellor Klein’s office yesterday. Klein’s spokesperson blatantly evaded all the key questions about the curricula that are at the heart of the concerns about this school. We’ll analyze why below, but first an excerpt or two from the Eagle article: More here.
UPDATE: Please read Kurz's piece: Saudi in the classroom
A fundamental front in the war:
Unless we counteract the influence of Saudi money on the education of the young, we’re going to find it very difficult to win the war on terror. I only wish I was referring to Saudi-funded madrassas in Pakistan. Unfortunately, I’m talking about K-12 education in the United States. Believe it or not, the Saudis have figured out how to make an end-run around America’s K-12 curriculum safeguards, thereby gaining control over much of what children in the United States learn about the Middle East. While we’ve had only limited success paring back education for Islamist fundamentalism abroad, the Saudis have taken a surprising degree of control over America’s Middle-East studies curriculum at home.
UPDATEL Almontaser's intifada:

Yes, those t-shirts for young girls say “Intifada NYC.” These were sold at the Arab Faire in Prospect Park on July 8.
KGIA principal Almontaser linked directly to “Intifada NYC” t-shirts
Stop the Mmadrassa
Is this the kind of “middle eastern cultural enrichment” that Dhabah Almontaser, principal for Khalil Gibran International Academy, will bring to her students and teachers? Since Chancellor Klein’s office has approved her curricula, we assume he and Mr. Harries endorse these t-shirts. Mayor Bloomberg can purchase some for his next campaign. Read it all.
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