Monday, June 25, 2007

North American Union Planners Prepare to Discuss Taxpayer Funds to Develop Infrastructure in Mexico

CNN Lou Dobbs - video:
Representatives of the United States, Canada and Mexico are preparing for a summer meeting to further the goals of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. The SPP, which many consider to be simply a blueprint for the North American Union, would weaken U.S. laws and regulations and diminish American sovereignty. John Urquhart of the Council of Canadians, said: "The Security and Prosperity Partnership will deliver neither security nor prosperity for a simple reason that it's not, so far, been democratic. Most of the discussions have been taking place behind closed doors." New documents have come to light about how U.S. taxpayers may end up footing the bill. Watchdog group Judicial Watch dug up documents through the Freedom of Information Act. It's a financial work plan that describes how U.S. taxpayers would fund grants to Mexico. The work plan states, "The establishment of a grant fund for development with U.S. and Canadian resources to finance the development of physical infrastructure in Mexico." Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch said: "I don't like the idea of taxpayer money being spent on dubious government enterprises. And I certainly don't like the idea of taxpayer money being spent to build up Mexico's physical infrastructure. Mexico have plenty of inherent wealth as a result of its oil and as a result of the $20 billion or so a year that Mexican illegals here send through to Mexico." Judicial Watch is questioning how taxpayer money can be so lightly promised to other countries.


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