Are you a "Fredophile"? Could I be one?
I am keeping a watchful and hopeful eye on this candid candidate. So far, I like what I see and hear. I just don't know what I would prefer, a Thompson/Hunter ticket or a Thompson/Tancredo ticket.
Guiliani is waaaay too soft on immigration people. Face it. Just look at NYC. But there could be room in the cabinet for him for sure. Maybe he could helm the next ill-fated foray into the (LOL) Middle east "Peace" Process.
Let's face it - the Middle East is a lost cause. They aren't serious about peace. They are serious about world domination.
At least those on the right aren't affraid to say it like it is. I have yet to hear a single Dhimmicrat sound knowledgeable on the subject of radical islamofascism, the bastard son of Hitler, and their grand scheme for a new caliphate - uh, I mean new world order.
Is it any wonder that a lot of folks today feel like they’re being sold a phony bill of goods on border security? A “comprehensive” plan doesn’t mean much if the government can’t accomplish one of its most basic responsibilities for its citizens — securing its borders. A nation without secure borders will not long be a sovereign nation.
No matter how much lipstick Washington tries to slap onto this legislative pig, it’s not going to win any beauty contests.
No matter how much lipstick Washington tries to slap onto this legislative pig, it’s not going to win any beauty contests.
FDT on Gandhi, pacifisim and collective suicide
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FDT on the incomprehensible Immigration Bill
FDT on the terror suffered by Israeli citizens »
FDT on the incomprehensible Immigration Bill
Posted on June 13th, 2007
Posted on June 13th, 2007
By Michael in Commentaries
Excerpts from commentary aired at on May 18, 2007:
Most Americans know that we have an illegal immigration problem in this country, with perhaps as many as 20 million people residing here unlawfully. And I think most Americans have a pretty good idea about how to at least start solving the problem — secure our nation’s borders.
Excerpts from commentary aired at on May 18, 2007:
Most Americans know that we have an illegal immigration problem in this country, with perhaps as many as 20 million people residing here unlawfully. And I think most Americans have a pretty good idea about how to at least start solving the problem — secure our nation’s borders.
Back in May 1985, Congress promised us that it would come up with a comprehensive plan to solve the problem of illegal immigration and our porous borders. Eighteen months later, in November 1986, that comprehensive plan was signed into law.
Twenty-two years and millions of illegal immigrants later, that comprehensive plan hasn’t done what most Americans wanted it to do — secure America’s borders. Now Washington says the new “comprehensive” plan will solve the problem that the last comprehensive plan didn’t...
Twenty-two years and millions of illegal immigrants later, that comprehensive plan hasn’t done what most Americans wanted it to do — secure America’s borders. Now Washington says the new “comprehensive” plan will solve the problem that the last comprehensive plan didn’t...
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