Monday, June 04, 2007

POWERFUL: 9/11 Father, Lifelong Republican, Says: Time To Impeach Bush Over Immigration

Absolute MuSt-Read! And you will want to pass it on!
Peter Gadiel
My son was one of the nearly 3000 people murdered on September 11, 2001 by nineteen illegal aliens.
It was easy for the 19 monsters who committed these acts to get into our country and, once in, to remain here unchallenged and at their leisure plan, rehearse, finance and carry out their mass murder. The 9/11 attacks, the murder of my son and thousands of others, were made possible, even inevitable, by the open borders policies instigated by the likes of Ted Kennedy, Charles Schumer, John McCain and others who are in the pockets of the Open Borders Lobby.
They share in the responsibility for those deaths.
Consider: Four of the Fort Dix Six would have been eligible for the Bush Amnesty. Several of those who were involved in the 1993 World Trade Center attacks (including ringleader Ramzi Yousef) had been granted legal permanent resident status thanks to the 1986 amnesty (specifically the Agricultural Worker provision authored by then NYC Representative Charles Schumer, presumably on behalf of the strawberry farmers of Brooklyn). All of the 9/11 terrorists would have been eligible for the Bush amnesty if they had postponed their attacks until after passage of the Kyl-Kennedy-Bush bill. The list of these amnestied or eligible-for-amnesty criminals goes on and on. And we really only know of the criminals whose crimes made the front pages. How many other Americans were killed or raped in crimes committed by Bush amnesty eligible aliens in crimes that did not make the headlines?
For those who haven’t paid attention, here’s a list of his high crimes, his violations of his Constitutional obligations:
read it all:


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