OUTRAGEOUS! This is just the first slap on the wrist for these immigrant slave masters

NY Millionaires Get Bail in Slavery Case
May 30, 1:47 PM (ET)
CENTRAL ISLIP, N.Y. (AP) - A millionaire couple accused of keeping two Indonesian women as slaves will be permitted to post $3.5 million bail under strict conditions that include home detention, telephone wiretaps and 24-hour surveillance, a federal judge ruled Wednesday.
U.S. District Judge Thomas Platt told attorneys to negotiate details of a bail agreement, including exactly how the security restrictions will work, by Friday.
"We're very, very pleased that the defendants are getting out," said Jeffrey Hoffman, a member of the defense team for Varsha Mahender Sabhnani, 35, and her husband, Mahender Murlidhar Sabhnani, 51.
The Sabhnanis, who operate a worldwide perfume business out of their mansion in Muttontown on Long Island, were arrested May 13 after one of the Indonesian women was found wandering outside a nearby doughnut shop. She apparently had escaped the night before when she was putting out the trash, prosecutors said...
CENTRAL ISLIP, N.Y. (AP) - A millionaire couple accused of keeping two Indonesian women as slaves will be permitted to post $3.5 million bail under strict conditions that include home detention, telephone wiretaps and 24-hour surveillance, a federal judge ruled Wednesday.
U.S. District Judge Thomas Platt told attorneys to negotiate details of a bail agreement, including exactly how the security restrictions will work, by Friday.
"We're very, very pleased that the defendants are getting out," said Jeffrey Hoffman, a member of the defense team for Varsha Mahender Sabhnani, 35, and her husband, Mahender Murlidhar Sabhnani, 51.
The Sabhnanis, who operate a worldwide perfume business out of their mansion in Muttontown on Long Island, were arrested May 13 after one of the Indonesian women was found wandering outside a nearby doughnut shop. She apparently had escaped the night before when she was putting out the trash, prosecutors said...
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