Thursday, May 03, 2007

Mexico has deliberately engineered the exodus of its people as part of "La Reconquista" and our government has been letting them get away with it

Dobbs in Hazleton: The Truth Comes Out
VIDEO: Lou Dobbs Special -- CNN -- May 2
Dobbs: Professor Grayson, Mexico is -- to this country, I mean, what I can (inaudible) is why there isn't a will. We have an illegal immigration crisis. Mexico is also the largest source of methamphetamines, heroin, marijuana and cocaine entering the United States. Why in the world isn't there a will to secure that border?
Grayson: Lou, Mexico's elites live like maharajas. But they spend extremely little on education and health care and transportation to upgrade the quality of their citizens. They pay about -- as a percent of gross domestic product, the same percentage that Haiti pays, 10.4 percent. So as a result, even though it's an immensely wealthy country -- gold, silver, beaches, oil...
Dobbs: Wait a minute, Professor...
Grayson: ... they prefer to neglect their problems at home, turn a blind eye to them, and let U.S. taxpayers pick up the tab.
Watch It Here! 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6


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