Islam islame... In a hundred "small" ways

So if multiculturalism is passe and monoculturalism is ethnocentric, what then is to be done?
The Anglo-Dutch writer Ian Buruma suggests it is pointless to try to assimilate Muslims. Most are simply not interested. Nor are they likely to trade their religion and customs for what they have been told are immoral Western values. Therefore the West must reconcile itself and embrace a group whose leaders would like to do away with modern liberal democracy. It is the West that must adapt to Islam, not the other way round. Not by converting, but in a hundred small ways: curbs on free speech, the press and granting Muslims their own religious-based laws and justice system where the Koran and not the rule of law is the final arbiter. And anyone who resists, anyone who fights to protect Enlightenment values versus fundamentalist Islam will be put down as a "nationalist" and an Islamophobe.
Geneva Revisited
By Christopher Orlet Published 5/3/2007 12:07:57 AM
Sooner or later multiculturalism -- like all utopian ideas--was bound to get tossed into Trotsky's dustbin of history.... We have arrived full circle with more and more Western countries favoring monoculturalism and limited immigration as a way to protect their culture, heritage, language and majority status.
Sooner or later multiculturalism -- like all utopian ideas--was bound to get tossed into Trotsky's dustbin of history.... We have arrived full circle with more and more Western countries favoring monoculturalism and limited immigration as a way to protect their culture, heritage, language and majority status.
Good read:
Ian Buruma c.s. are dangerous postmoderns who don't care one iota if their pseudo philosophy based on relativism contains one or a hundred fallacies. Their object is to destroy Western civilization, pure and simple. This is just the latest attempt. They are crypto Marxists in disguise. There's nothing more to it. It call these three (Buruma, Sim and Garton Ash; sure there are others) the Three-fold Kings of the Borg because of their message: "Resistance is futile ... prepare to be assimilated"!
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