Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bill "Reconquista" Richardson Makes His Campaign of Treason Official

American Patrol Dot Com
Las Cruces Sun-News
Democrat [and vehement Mexican Reconquista] Bill Richardson has officially entered the presidential race with a naked appeal to Hispanics, saying in an interview that it's "rudimentary politics" to make sure the country's fastest growing voting bloc knows he's one of them.
American Border Patrol
A little after 7 p.m. I was in was in my backyard being interviewed by two student film makers. We were surrounded by my seven German Shepherds and had been talking on camera for about a half hour when a shot rang out, then another, then another, about a second apart. The shots were coming from the southwest...
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Washington - Angry Georgians on Monday continued to inundate the state's U.S. senators with phone calls and e-mails opposing the immigration compromise bill the two Republicans helped craft. -- "The phones are still ringing," said Lindsay Mabry, a spokesman for Sen. Saxby Chambliss.

The Hotline
House Minority Leader John Boehner, speaking to a private gathering of Republican activists last night, called the Senate's immigration compromise bill a "piece of shit" but said that he had promised President Bush earlier in the day that he would let his teeth be a barrier to such thoughts in public...
New York Times
On the surface, there was nothing extraordinary about a certain government office in Little Rock, Ark., the other day as paperwork was signed, names were called, fees were paid, waits were endured and computer keyboards went tap, tap, tap. -- Just the workaday humdrum of official government business - the government of Mexico...
Yuma Sun
Forty-one illegal immigrants - including two smugglers and eight juveniles - were apprehended Tuesday 12 miles south of Wellton, according to a news release. -- At roughly 1 a.m., U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Yuma sector's Wellton station tracked footprints that led to the group.
Just when I thought politics in New Mexico could not possibly become any more bizarre - they did. The police department for the state capitol - Santa Fe - has made the decision to hire Mexican Nationals (not US citizens) as "law enforcement" officers. In this way, the new Mexican (not US) police officers can ensure...


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