Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Call Me Ismail

from the Cassandra Page - please visit her blog!
The Ismail Ax murders:
Today Show's teleprompters consider every other angle
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
So we know what he wrote in English class, that he was a loner, where he bought a gun, who his former teacher was, that the Korean community fears a backlash, etc.
But they never mentioned that he had a probable Islamic phrase written on his body at the time of his death.
Had the name "Jesus Christ" appeared on Cho's body, this incident would be forever known as "The Jesus Christ Shooting Rampage." Or "The Jesus Christ Shooting Rampage that proves the need to fight global warming." Or "The Jesus Christ Shooting Rampage that proves the need to promote gay rights, gun control and higher taxes."
read it all:


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